OEM Camera

PixeLINK®’s design and integration services are particularly well suited to the needs of OEM customers. OEMs can leverage the success of PixeLINK®’s line of high-performance digital cameras by integrating proven, reliable industrial cameras into their applications in the following markets:

  • Medical Imaging
  • Inspection
  • Metrology
  • Biotechnolgy
  • Biometrics

High Performance OEM Cameras

PixeLINK® OEM Camera Offers:

  • A flexible camera architecture that allows for rapid prototyping and quick time-to-market.
  • Expertise in both CMOS and CCD sensor technology
  • In-house mechanical, software and firmware design
  • Seamless integration with your existing engineering project
  • In-house project management, including weekly status meetings
  • Expertise at integrating peripheral components such as lighting, optics, pan/tilt, LCDs, embedded computer, I/O, etc.
  • Rapid prototype builds
  • Cameras that are designed with quality and assembled with care. Our low, industry-leading return rate is a testament to our focus on quality
  • Wealth of experience. PixeLINK has been designing digital cameras for more than a decade and has served customers across the world in medical, industrial, life sciences, machine vision and other markets

PixeLINK ® Capture OEM Software

  • PixeLINK® Capture OEM is a demonstration image capture application built around the PixeLINK® API and designed specifically for OEM customers. Controlling all camera functions and demonstrating camera performance, The PixeLINK® Capture OEM application provides integrators with examples of how a PixeLINK® camera can be integrated into a complex application.
  • PixeLINK® Capture OEM also provides an API function call log that shows the sequence of API calls used, and the parameter values any time a control on the GUI is accessed. Moreover, PixeLINK® Capture OEM acts as a camera configuration utility and provides access to camera features that may not be available with standards-based camera definitions such as DCAM (IIDC) or GigE Vision software packages.

PixeLINK ® Capture OEM Screen Captures

PixeLINK ® Software Development Kit (SDK)

  • The PixeLINK® Software Development Kit (SDK) is the software package of choice for developers and system integrators who are integrating PixeLINK® cameras into their applications.
  • With the PixeLINK® SDK, developers can integrate PixeLINK® cameras into their custom applications with ease. The PixeLINK® SDK includes PixeLINK® Capture OEM, an application that controls all the camera functions and demonstrates camera performance.
  • Best of all, the PixeLINK® SDK provides an API that is consistent across all PixeLINK® camera models allowing for simple integration and less development time.

PixeLINK ® Capture OEM Screen Captures